Guidelines for preparing manuscripts in Word or LaTeX
- Word template package (*.zip) includes the Word template/guidelines file and the OTF font file for displaying the ORCID iD icon (Font Awesome 5 Brands)
- LaTeX template package (*.zip) includes the LaTeX template/guidelines files (*.tex, *.cls, *.cfg, *.bst) and the Font Awesome 5 package (version 5.15.3) for displaying the ORCID iD icon
The Font Awesome 5 Fonts (free) are published under the SIL OFL 1.1 license. © and maintenance of the fontawesome5 LaTeX package at CTAN: 2018–2022 Marcel Krüger.
Authors should not add any header, footer, page numbering, or logo to their paper. These will be added by the Copernicus publisher during the final publication process.
Submission checklist
- Your *.pdf file includes full first names for all authors.
- Your text and figures include either standard fonts like Times, Arial, Helvetica, or Verdana, or, if other fonts have been used, such fonts have been embedded.
- You used the above-linked templates for MS Word or LaTeX to create your *.pdf file.
- You prepared your own figures and maps using colour schemes accessible to persons with colour vision deficiencies. Please check your figures using the Coblis – Color Blindness Simulator.
- You secured the reproduction rights for figures, tables, maps, images, and aerials, if such materials are included in your manuscript.
- You included copyright statements or credits for maps, images, and aerials, if such materials are included in your manuscript.
- You properly cited all literature and materials used with corresponding entries in your reference list.